
The Department currently has the following Agreements in force:

Ente    interlocutore                         Associazione interlocutrice Natura/  Merito                          della Convenzione  Data di validità  Referente interno del Dipartimento  Referente esterno 
IRCCS-Burlo Garofolo/IRCCS Mario Negri Cooperation agreement for the
development and implementation of the Global Burden of Disease project in Italy
5 years with extension from
06/09/2018 Cristiana Abbafati ( Dott. Luca Ronfani/Prof. Giuseppe Remuzzi
Spondé Association O.N.L.U.S. Penal mediation and restorative justice in criminal cases 2 years + potential extension
of a further 2 years
from 17/11/2020
Prof. Pasquale Bronzo ( Dottoressa Maria Pia Giuffrida

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma